Monday, January 22, 2007

Glad to be a part of the group!

I'm excited! Yesterday, I signed a contract with L & L Dreamspell to publish my first novel entitled DANCE ON HIS GRAVE. As a new author of L & L, have been invited to join the blog. I look forward to getting better acquainted with everyone, and fun times writing, publishing, selling, and talking about mystery and suspense.

I'm not a mystery/suspense biggot, either! I've started reading Lisa's COLIN'S CONQUEST and having a great time with the bloody romance! Next, on to Diana's NINTH, and then John's JOURNEY when it comes out this Spring.



  1. I'm not a mystery bigot, so I guess that's why I spelled it incorrectly! Sorry about that, folks! (Syl--using her dictionary a little too late!)

  2. Welcome aboard!!!!!! This is a GREAT group and we're soooo proud to have you with us!!!!

    L&L Dreamspell is the absolute tops!!!!

    Lots and lots of hugs,

  3. Sylvia,

    I told you this yesterday, but wantedd to say it again. It was good to meet you, and I think you'll add a lot to out group.

  4. Thanks for the welcome. Sounds like lots of fun coming up -- couldn't help but be fun with this gang!

    Don't know when I'll come down off of my 'cloud nine' and start writing again!
