Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Check out Diana's Dreamview video!

L&L Dreamspell is proud to announce our very first "Book Preview" video.
We're calling our version "Book Dreamviews" and they're a lot of fun!
Diana L Driver's upcoming novel Ninth Lord of the Night is showcased in this two minute "teaser" viewable now at YouTube. Here's the link:
Not only are we staying competitive in the book marketing field with this new technology, we're also filming longer interview style videos to use as promotional pieces.
It's interesting to "meet" authors, find out more about them, and learn why they wrote their books.
Stay tuned for even more "Dreamviews" from L&L Dreamspell...


  1. Great Dreamview video. Love the music and the mystic! Look forward to ordering my copy of Diana's new book!

  2. Silvia,

    Thanks for posting!!

    Send me an email - you can get the address off L&L Dreamspell's site or mine www.dianaldriver.com, when you get the book and I'll send you an autographed book plate.

