Monday, May 21, 2007

Editors are not always equal!

(Note, I posted this on my personal blog, but wanted to be sure our group read it, and thought you might not have time to drop by my blog!)

How many editors do you know who would drive two hours to attend the launch of your new book and stay overnight in order to takes pictures for your next book cover?

Okay, maybe a few might.

But let's complicate that.

Let's say the book launch is held in your small southeast Texas hometown and the room is filled with long-lost cousins, high school friends, and kith you didn't even know were kin. It's old home week and the room sounds more like that of a Scots-Irish wake instead of book-signing. Now, add to that, everyone is even more excited when they learn the mystery book is set in that area. The excitement (and the crescendo) builds!

Then, after a successful event, the next morning your editor arises before the sun and joins you in an aluminum motor boat, where you head across Sabine Lake. After the short trip, you dock on a pile of shell mounds (probably left behind by Paleo-Indians)and pull on rubber boots. You both plunge into marsh grass as high as your waist, keeping a close look-out for water moccasions and alligators, and finally arrive at a magnificent structure reaching to the sky. The Sabine Pass Lighthouse, erected before the Civil War.

All of this just to take a picture for the cover of my second book due out November 1st. DEADLY SINS-DEADLY SECRETS features the Sabine Pass Lighthouse, and nothing else would do for my editor, Linda, but to have the authentic survivor.

Now, back to my original question--how many editors would do that?

Not many would, I wager.

Mine did!

posted by Sylvia Dickey Smith | 8:50 AM | 0 Comments

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Writing Muse (s)

Last night while I was watching Van Helsing, I wrote a short story. It had nothing to do with the movie - or really anything else. It was about a childhood memory of a Chinese immigrant. Funny, how these things work. So far, I have about four short stories (in addition to the one that's included in Bed and Breakfast) and no place to put them. I was thinking of uploading them to my website, but then thought that maybe I'd save them and someday put them together in a book. Problem is that they are all different genres. Two are Fantasy, one is a sweet romance, and this one is what I'd call mainstream. I can't imagine any publisher actually publishing them.

But, what I really get out of it is the ability to create stories in all different genres without worry. Afterwards, I feel recharged and able to negiotate the next scene in my current WIP.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blog Tours?

I've been seeing a lot of buzz around the net about blog tours. In fact, I'm hosting a "touring" author the first week in June. This gal has a PR person setting it all up. Has anyone tried to do a virtual blog tour? How did it go?

It's always a challenge finding the magic promo that works...where you actually get a return on your investment, whether it is time and/or money.

I'm so excited for people to start reading The Key (and nervous they won't like it as much as I do!), that I can hardly stand it. I feel like it is my first book all over again. (grin) Some books are just like that, though. I wouldn't say it was easy to write, but it was a fun ride from beginning to end.

The second book is not coming as easy and I'm having to really work to avoid having to do some actual science. Luckily I do have an expert standing by to help me. (grin)

I'll be heading to NY next week to see my daughter, so here's hoping the last of May is great for everyone!
Perilously yours,

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mystery Authors panel

This coming Saturday May 12, 2007 from 2-4 pm, three L&L Dreamspell authors and an Agatha nominated author will be on a panel at Hill Country Book Store in Georgetown, Texas. The authors are: John Foxjohn, Sylvia Dickey Smith, Dave Ciambrone and Karen MacInnereny (the Agatha author). The panel is going to be talking about writing mysteries and will have books for sale. Anyone being in the area Saturday is welcome.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Excited about new publisher

I am very happy to say I'm one of the new additions to the L&L Dreamspell team of writers. I've received the cover for my poison book already and can't wait to see the mystery cover as well. I'll be using the copies sent as pre-release publicity. I have an event coming up that I've included two other Dreamspell authors-John Foxjohn and Sylvia Dickeysmith. Teamwork to the end.

Dave Ciambrone

The Writer's Life

When it rains - it pours!!

I think I'm going to make my tagline - "nothing's ever easy!" Seems like there's always something that needs to be done. Last week I set up my myspace page - which was supposed to be an easy thing, but it took me three days. I figured it was important, so I went ahead and got it done.

I had planned that this week I'd do nothing but write. What happens? I get an offer to write the scenerio and dialogue for a video game. I wasn't supposed to have to deal with the particulars until the end of the summer, but yesterday they sent me an email saying they were going into "preproduction mode" and that the company had setup an online account for me and I should start learning the software package. Yikes!!!! Not!!!

Also, yesterday I was discussing what topics I should cover when I sit in for one of the college's english teachers this summer. I thought it would be something about writing - ie something easy. Not a chance. She wants me to discuss the autobiographical aspects of my novel, Ninth Lord of the Night. Well...except for a few descriptions and incidents that actually happened - like the tarantula in the bathroom and the doll's head on the gear shift - there aren't any autobiographical elements. I've never been a teenage boy and I've never had sons. Some of Zack's reactions are (were) mine, but they'd be anyone's reactions. So, this is going to take some preparation on my part. That's for sure. And, preparation takes time.

Then there was the photo shoot for the American Library Association's READ poster. It was done in the college television studio with lots of lights and cameras - thank heavens, no action. All I had to do was sit there, hold my book and smile.

Today I've been asked to do another online interview. Of course, I said yes!!! I already have one waiting in the wings that I need to finish and submit.

And, my next book? Well...let's see...I have about three hours before I have to go to work maybe I can get a couple of pages done...but I really need to call my mom. My eldest daughter is engaged and we have a wedding to think about.
